Sponsors & Partners

Bridging Cultures, Building Partnerships

In our journey to promote and celebrate the richness of Indian culture in Yeovil, we’re always on the lookout for like-minded organisations and individuals  to join hands with us. By becoming a sponsor or partner, you’re not just associating with an event or an association; you’re  aligning with a cause, a community, and a vision.

Current Sponsors & Partners:

Coming soon...

We’re in the process of fostering connections with potential sponsors and partners. This space will soon shine the spotlight on those invaluable entities that choose to support and grow with us.


Become a Sponsor or Partner:

Why Collaborate with Us?

  1. Reach & Engagement: Tap into a vibrant, engaged community of members and event attendees.
  2. Brand Alignment: Elevate your brand by aligning with our mission of celebrating culture and connecting communities.
  3. Diverse Opportunities: From event sponsorships to collaborative workshops, there are varied avenues for involvement.
  4. Lasting Impact: Your support helps in amplifying the voice and essence of the Indian community in Yeovil.

The Process:

  1. Express Interest: Reach out to our dedicated team via email or phone to discuss potential collaboration.
  2. Customised Collaboration: We believe in tailor-made partnerships. Let’s discuss how we can align your brand’s vision with our initiatives.
  3. Onboarding & Recognition: Once formalised, we ensure your brand gets the recognition it deserves across our platforms and events.

Join us in our mission. Together, we can forge strong connections, uphold cherished traditions, and drive forward growth, solidifying the presence and vitality of the Indian community in Yeovil. Whether you’re a local business, a multinational corporation, or an individual moved by our cause, there’s a place for you in our narrative.

Unite with Our Vision: Become a Sponsor Today!

Let’s Start a Conversation

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